Fashion Tips

3 Last Minute Holiday Party Outfit Ideas

With holiday parties now in full swing, you may have already been to one, or two or three. Or maybe your party circuit has yet to begin. Whether you’re running out of ideas or you’ve left choosing your looks to the eleventh hour, here are 3 last minute holiday party outfit ideas to help you out…   TIP #1: Throw on a […]


Video Quick Tip: 3 Things to Know When Layering

Many of my clients love the idea of layering, but don’t feel like they have the knowledge to do it properly. If this sounds like you, click below to watch my latest Video Quick Tip or continue reading for 3 tips to help you on your way.      Tip #1: Vary textures and fabric thicknesses. The layers closest to your body […]


How to Layer Your Wardrobe Into Fall

It’s that time of year again. September rolls around, kids are back in school, and the weather starts to cool. Regardless of the fact that Toronto is currently experiencing gorgeous, warm sunny days, the mornings and evenings are getting a little nippy and it’s time to start changing the way we dress. So what’s the best way to transition your […]


Holiday Style: To Hose or Not to Hose

It happens every year. Around the same time. Holiday party season arrives, and because I’m a stylist, the emails, texts and phone calls from family, friends and clients start pouring in. No matter how many times we discuss it, the great debate continues – to hose or not to hose. In the winter, that really is the question. It’s interesting […]


Dresses – Why Buy When You Can Rent?

I’m currently in the process of rebranding my business – new focus, new look and most importantly, new website. The most exciting part of the new site, for me, are the new photos. Not for the photos’ sake, but for the new outfits that go along with them. With the rebrand though, come many costs and I have to save […]


10 Ways to Look Subtly Sexy this Valentine’s Day

Looking overtly sexy is pretty easy. Throw on some tight, skimpy clothes, expose a ton of skin and you’re good to go. Being subtly sexy however, can take a little more thought and effort. This Valentine’s Day, if subtle sexiness is the look you’re going for, here are 10 ways to achieve it…   1. Body Parts The easiest way […]


Last Minute Holiday Party Outfit Ideas

I recently had a fun holiday themed photo shoot with Blair O’Halloran from Toronto Independent Fashion Scene ( and it forced me to think about what I’d be wearing this year. With holiday parties now in full swing, you may have already been to one, or two or three. Or maybe your party circuit has yet to begin. Whether you’re […]