Shopping Tips

VIDEO: Pencil Skirts – Custom vs Off the Rack

Pencil skirts are the perfect addition to any wardrobe. But the key to a great looking pencil skirt is fit. And a few more things. Check out my video below where I take you through the custom or made to measure process and provide you with tips on what to look for and know when purchasing off the rack or […]


VIDEO: Pleated Skirts & Leather Pants – What to Know and How to Wear

  “So much fantastic info in this video!!!” “Fantastic video and sooooo helpful!” “Love the video! And all the outfits!” Tooting my own horn?!? Nah. Well, maybe! But I love creating content that actually helps. And based on the comments and feedback I’m getting, the videos seem to be super helpful. So I’m going to keep making them! Today’s video […]


3 Things to Consider When Purchasing Knee-High Boots

Here in Toronto, we recently got hit with a major arctic blast. Well, ok. It may have just snowed a little and got a bit cold. But it definitely had me pulling out all my boots. And maybe purchasing one (or two) more pairs. Just in case. If you too are on the hunt for another pair of boots and considering purchasing […]


How to Know Which Pair of Jeans is Right for You

If I had a dollar for every time a client asked me how her butt looks in a pair of jeans… I swear I spend most of my time photographing their back sides to show them. The key to a great looking pair of jeans is a great looking behind. And the key to a great looking behind is having the right […]


Your Style Challenges Tackled! Day 1: Shortening a Shopping Trip

In case you missed it (or if you’re not on Instagram), last week I sent out a question in my Stories asking for everyone’s biggest Style Challenge.   So I’ve taken the first seven responses, and for the next seven days I’ll be tackling one challenge daily (in chronological order) (cuz it only seems fair).   Challenge 1: Shortening a Shopping Trip   Ok […]


The Perfect Time is Now!

The other day, one of the beautiful ladies I’m acquainted with on Instagram, Celia M., tagged me on her post. She wrote a lovely recommendation of my book (see below), which she’s using as a resource for assessing her wardrobe needs as she goes through a major transition in her life.  And what perfect timing. Here in Toronto, it’s Spring – […]


How Much Does a New Wardrobe REALLY Cost? 3 Things You Need to Consider

I had great plans for my I’m-back-but-I-haven’t-REALLY-been-gone post, but a potential client asked me a question that I often get, so I thought I’d share my answer, with the hope that it might help you as well, and now this is the longest run-on sentence I’ve ever written.   THE QUESTION How Much Money Should I Set Aside for a New Wardrobe?   THE ANSWER It […]