
Closet Essentials

Ever wonder what each closet or wardrobe should have? Wondering if yours is missing key pieces? The other day one of my Instagram friends asked if I could provide some tips on Closet Essentials. And while I hesitate to do this (for reasons I explain in the video), I did pull a few items that I think are most universal […]


3 Steps to the Perfect Capsule Wardrobe

A few weeks ago, I created an Instagram poll to see if anyone would be interested in learning how to create a Capsule Wardrobe. 97% of those who responded said yes. So here we are. And if you were one of the 97%, then here you go… A Capsule Wardrobe broadly refers to a small collection of clothes that can […]


The #1 Must-Do to Get Style-Ready for the Season

Whether you’re working from home, self isolating, or home with the kids, home is definitely where most of us are. So whether you’re in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring has sprung or you’re in the South and Autumn is upon you, what better time to get style-ready for the season than right now. And what does that entail? Cleaning out your wardrobe! Because we both know that […]


The Perfect Time is Now!

The other day, one of the beautiful ladies I’m acquainted with on Instagram, Celia M., tagged me on her post. She wrote a lovely recommendation of my book (see below), which she’s using as a resource for assessing her wardrobe needs as she goes through a major transition in her life.  And what perfect timing. Here in Toronto, it’s Spring – […]


Keep or Toss? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Decide

I have a confession to make. I have not seen even one episode of ‘Tidying Up With Marie Kondo’. But I’ve heard she recommends only keeping items that spark joy. When I recently posted a photo of myself on Instagram wearing an older pair of J Brand Houlihan cargo jeans, one of my followers commented that she was glad she kept hers. […]


How Much Does a New Wardrobe REALLY Cost? 3 Things You Need to Consider

I had great plans for my I’m-back-but-I-haven’t-REALLY-been-gone post, but a potential client asked me a question that I often get, so I thought I’d share my answer, with the hope that it might help you as well, and now this is the longest run-on sentence I’ve ever written.   THE QUESTION How Much Money Should I Set Aside for a New Wardrobe?   THE ANSWER It […]