Shopping Tips

3 Things That’ll Make You Love Shopping Again

I have this uncanny knack for turning self-proclaimed shopping haters into shopping fanatics. Typically in under 4 hours. How? Brainwashing. OK, well, no. Not really. Simply by taking away their frustration, uncertainty and confusion. You see, most of the women that hate shopping and come to me for help, typically do so because they have no clue what they’re doing. […]


Style Tip Sunday: Trench Coats

It’s Style Tip Sunday! Today’s tip from my App and Book Style 365, is all about…   TRENCH COATS: Trench coats come in a variety of colours, styles and price points and are a versatile addition to any wardrobe. Not only are they practical and functional, they can add flair, style or complete any outfit.   If you’re planning on investing […]


Style Tip Sunday: Splurge vs Save

It’s Style Tip Sunday! Today’s tip from my App and Book Style 365, is all about…   MONEY: Splurge on investment pieces and classics – a good fitting bra, shoes, handbags, coats, suits, a great pair of jeans, etc. (Pieces that you’d like to stand the test of time.) Make sure that you’re choosing good quality fabric and workmanship.   Save […]


Style Tip Sunday: Shopping

It’s Style Tip Sunday! Today’s tip from my App and Book Style 365, is all about…   SHOPPING: If you tend to shop at the same stores regularly but notice that your size sells out quickly, find out which days of the week their shipments typically arrive and how long until the items hit the floor.   For example, if a […]


Dress Your Way to Weight Loss Success

It’s that time of year again. Resolutions are made and goals are written down. Give it a few months though and most will go out the proverbial window. If losing weight is on the top of your resolution list, what if I told you that there was one little thing you could do to help you achieve your goal? What […]


Want the Perfect Look? Steal These Men’s Style Secrets

I love me a sharp dressed man. All you have to do is look at a man in a custom tailored suit to know that when it comes to dressing well, we women don’t have the monopoly. In fact, we could even learn a thing or two from our male counterparts. Recently, when doing some research for a client, I […]


How to Shop Like You Mean Business

I’m extremely particular (some might say downright fanatical) about having a solid, functional, yet super fabulous wardrobe. Nothing bothers me more than an unorganized closet full of useless, unworn or unflattering pieces. Well, other things might bother me more, but you get the idea. While shopping to create and add to this perfectly curated wardrobe might be a casual pastime […]