
Laser Hair Removal for Confidence and Convenience

If it were up to me, the only place I’d have hair on my body is on my head and my eyebrows. The rest could just disappear forever, never to be seen again. Unfortunately that’s not the case and I, like many women, spend countless hours shaving, waxing, plucking and enduring ridiculous amounts of pain, removing unwanted hair. I’d tried […]


10 Ways to Look Subtly Sexy this Valentine’s Day

Looking overtly sexy is pretty easy. Throw on some tight, skimpy clothes, expose a ton of skin and you’re good to go. Being subtly sexy however, can take a little more thought and effort. This Valentine’s Day, if subtle sexiness is the look you’re going for, here are 10 ways to achieve it…   1. Body Parts The easiest way […]


5 First (or Second, or Third) Date Tips & Looks

A number of my clients are single women that are either active in the dating scene or just getting started. They typically come to me to help them come up with the perfect first (or second, or third) date look. Wanting to steer them in the right direction, I contacted a dating expert to make sure I was giving them […]


The Single Most Important Investment

Rent needs to be paid, car needs new tires, kids needs braces. House needs cleaning, dog needs walking, groceries need to be bought. Sound familiar? With so many things taking our time and money, it’s hard to contemplate investing our resources into just one more thing. Yet when it comes to looking and feeling good, the single most important investment […]


Bring on the Bootay!

Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce. Know where I’m going with this? That’s right – these ladies have got some serious booty going on. Beautiful, sexy, with curves in all the right places, I wonder if they ever ask, “Does my butt look big in this?” These famous women are known for more than their derrieres, but Google each of them and […]


I Have a Little Secret

I have a little secret. Something that only my immediate family knows. Something, that as a stylist, I would never dare to share . Something that I am only disclosing because the threat of exposure looms. So here it is: I wear Sponge Bob socks. With my boots. Like, all the time. A few months ago, I bought my 9 […]