style tips

VIDEO: 3 (or more!) Ways to Wear a T-shirt Dress

    Another video?!? Yup! Here’s why…   a. There have been requests. b. Style is visual. There are some things that no amount of explaining will convey – you just have to see it. c. Apparently people like them!   I’m here for you. So if there’s a way I can share information and advice that makes it easier […]


2 VIDEOS! All About Belts and White Jeans

Did you miss these last 2 videos on Instagram?!? If so, no worries, all you have to do is click on the videos below to watch them now. BELTS: The first video has some great tips on choosing, buying and wearing belts. (Keep in mind that placement – where you wear your belt – will depend on your specific body shape and what […]


How to Combine Patterns & Prints Like a Pro

If you caught my last post, you’ll know that it was all about colour. (If you didn’t, you can check it out HERE.) Today, because so many women struggle with it, is all about combing patterns and prints. So if you’ve ever wanted to know how to do it, or have been too afraid to try, fear no more. Here are a few […]


3 Must-Know Tips for Wearing An Oversized Sweater

I love a good oversized sweater or sweatshirt (actually any oversized top) and wear them all the time. But I’m often asked how to wear one without looking overwhelmed by it or bigger than you truly are. So here are 3 Must-Know Tips for Wearing an Oversized Sweater (or any oversized top) that’ll help you look as long and lean as possible.   Tip 1: Push […]


The Front Tuck – How to Do It and Why You Should

In my last post, I wrote about the ankle boot and how it’s had the biggest impact on almost all my clients. Well, I was quickly reminded that the front tuck has been just as impactful. (Thanks Carolan!) So whether you’re a fan or on the fence, here are a few tips on how to front tuck and why you should… How to […]


The #1 Item That’s Changing My Clients’ Lives

So here’s the thing. I was going to write about the new year, new you, blah, blah, blah. But I think we’re prob up to our eyeballs with all that jazz. Instead, I’m going to share the one item that has had the biggest impact on almost every single one of my clients. Most have even have told me that it’s literally […]


5 Tips to Looking Fabulous on Your Casual Days

If you’ve been on Instagram lately, then you know I’ve been posting some casual-wear tips. If you haven’t, or if you’ve missed a few, no worries! I’ve compiled them all into one spot. Here are my 5 tips to looking stylish and fabulous on your casual days… TIP #1 When you want to wear leggings, but don’t want to look like […]


How to Know Which Pair of Jeans is Right for You

If I had a dollar for every time a client asked me how her butt looks in a pair of jeans… I swear I spend most of my time photographing their back sides to show them. The key to a great looking pair of jeans is a great looking behind. And the key to a great looking behind is having the right […]