Weekly Outfit Review

Weekly Outfit Review 41

How did this week become shorts week? Funny how I don’t notice things until these Weekly Outfit Reviews. From flats (yes I own a pair), to heels, to mega platforms, there’s a little bit of something for everyone. But only if you like shorts. And flats. Or heels. Or mega platforms. Check out this week’s outfit review to find out […]


Weekly Outfit Review 40

Honestly, what is it with me and the pink and green? I know they’re the colours of the season this year, but maybe it’s time I bought something else. 🤔 Oh who am I kidding? On with the pink and green… As always, in the review, I explained the process of why I chose the pieces, reviewed some of the […]


Weekly Outfit Review 39

I knew there’d be at least one clown comment when I posted the green patterned blazer so I was prepared. And the hecklers did not disappoint. But that’s ok. I don’t dress for their approval. Fashion should be fun. It should be a reflection of who you are at any particular moment. It can always be daring and new. I […]


Weekly Outfit Review 38

No in between this week. All colour or all black. And what is it with me and pink and green? The great thing about colour is that you can get as creative and as daring as you’d like. As I always say in my outfit reviews – the only limit is your imagination. As always, in the review, I explained […]


Weekly Outfit Review 37

There’s a blurb I’ve written on my website, and this week it couldn’t be more true… “…we’re often more than one thing at a time, aren’t we? That translates into our style as well. I have yet to meet a woman who has just one style. Instead, each woman has a unique blend of different styles that exhibit themselves in […]


Weekly Outfit Review 36

Definitely getting my money’s worth out of the Valentino Tango Shoes I bought (in black and then in pink). And definitely obsessed with both monochrome and mixing colours. Seemed to be a week of both. As always, in the review, I explained the process of why I chose the pieces, reviewed some of the new pieces I wore, mentioned other […]


Weekly Outfit Review 35

Something a little different for me this week.. This dress was a huge fave! Apparently not just mine, because it sold out almost immediately. And the two piece set was a little risqué for me, but hey – you only live once. Might as well make it interesting. As always, in the review, I explained the process of why I […]


Weekly Outfit Review 34

5 outfits last week and this week only 2. Not very balanced but I guess that’s just how I role. And remember how last week I mentioned that week 33 and 34 had some of my fave outfits? These two are super high on the list, for so many reasons. But you’ll have to watch the review to find out […]


Weekly Outfit Review 33

5 outfit videos in one week! That’s mainly because I was travelling and prerecorded a bunch before I left. But I have to say, some of this week’s and next week’s (34) were prob my fave ever. And apparently they weren’t just mine because many of the pieces I wore sold out right away. Guess I’m not the only one […]