The 6 Week Style Transformation is for every woman!
So whether...

• you’re a career girl and want to look more professional
• you work from home and want to step up your style game
• you hang with your kids and want to look cute but be comfy
• you’re a busy working mom and want to elevate your style
• you’re in the process of losing weight or have just lost it
• you’ve taken care of everyone else and now it’s your turn

...then this is for YOU.

Imagine The Possibilities

Imagine looking super stylish and put together.

Imagine walking into a store, knowing exactly what to buy and what to avoid.

Imagine knowing how to create stunning outfits that suit your unique style, lifestyle, body shape and budget.

Imagine looking like a million bucks.

Every single day.

All of this is possible. And…


I’m Barbara Aleks, Personal Stylist and Image Consultant, and I’ve been helping women all over the world transform their style for years.

I spend my days helping women uncover their unique style, empowering them to look and feel their absolute best, gain confidence and live the life they were meant to live. 

All with the most incredible style.


You’re a smart, capable woman.
Yet when it comes to your personal style, it’s a whole other story.

You want to look and feel amazing in your clothes and have incredible style, but don’t know how.

You shop but don’t know what to buy.
You wear the same things over and over.
You’re not sure what goes with what, how to put it all together and are somewhat (or completely) outfit challenged.

You long to be a confident, stylish (maybe even sexy!) woman that makes heads turn.

And you can.

How do I know this? Because I’ve done it myself and I’ve helped countless other women do it too.


Whether you feel totally clueless or you have a good idea of what you’re doing but just need a few pointers, The 6 Week Style Transformation is for YOU.


6 Weekly Modules complete with
Videos, Exercise and downloadable PDF Cheatsheets

MODULE 1 – You and Your Style

• get you clear on your personal style
• expose any limiting beliefs blocking you
• create unique Style Words to keep you on track 

You’ll know how to choose clothes that are 100% aligned with YOU, your style and your lifestyle. 

MODULE 2 – Your Body Shape

• determine your specific body shape
• find out which cuts and styles suit you best
• know how to wear them to play up your assets and downplay undesirable areas

You’ll know exactly how to monopolize on the body you’ve got and make it look its absolute best.

MODULE 3 – Your Proportions

• assess your body’s vertical proportions
• the clothes & accessories to wear for them
• balance out the most common physical features that concern women

You’ll know which cuts and styles are best for your vertical proportions and how to dress for any disproportionate areas.

MODULE 4 – Choose Your Base

• different methods of choosing base pieces
• choosing patterns, prints & colours
• various ways of wearing them and combining them together

You’ll know exactly how to choose and combine the clothing pieces that will be the start of your outfit.

MODULE 5 – Add Your Layers & Styling

• what to consider and how to add layers
• how to add instant style to your outfits
• Wardrobe Staples and Trends and how to incorporate them

You’ll know how to take simple pieces and create stylish outfits that are a reflection of you and your personal aesthetic.

MODULE 6 – Accessorizing

• choose accessories and how to wear them
• tips on how to choose which shoes to wear
• determine your Face Shape, create visual balance and accessorize to suit

You’ll know how to put the finishing touches on an outfit, how to add pizazz and polish, making you look stylish and put together.


you get ALL of this at the SPECIAL PRICE of only

$398 USD


In just 6 short weeks, my students' lives are transformed! Here's what they've experienced...

They’ve gone from being overwhelmed, confused and frustrated, feeling unsure of themselves and insecure in their clothes. Shopping and coming home empty handed or wasting countless hours trying to shop online with no success. No clue what looks good on them, how to put outfits together or what to wear when they leave the house. Feeling like they have zero style.

In just 6 short weeks, they know exactly what to wear and how to wear it, and feel confident in both their choices and their outfits. They shop and know exactly what to buy, what suits their style and their shape. They know which pieces to pair together and how to put together the most amazing outfits. The end result? Looking and feeling better than ever before. All with the most incredible style.


I’ve styled women all over the world and here’s what they’ve said…

“I’m more confident about my outfits – it saves me hours of standing in front of my full wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear, which top goes with what bottom and pulling my hair out about accessories."
Eva Gossenreiter
Life Coach, Linz, Austria & Belfast, NI,

“I’m finding I have a lot more confidence when shopping. I am no longer overwhelmed by choice as you have shown me what sort of styles and lines will suit me best. I’m also having a lot more fun with my fashion and accessories. It’s so much easier to get ready and feel good about myself.”

- Naturopath - Sydney, Australia

“You can tell that Barbara knows what she’s talking about (is an expert in her field).”
Maureen Witten
Emotional Eating Coach, Denver, CO, USA

“I not only had fun but learned SO much I can’t believe it. Had no idea there was so much theory involved! I’m looking at everything so differently now! Even excited to shop again instead of dreading it.”

- Pilates Instructor - Toronto, ON

“I loved how Barb can advise on something you already own with such ease! She suggested something I’d never think to put together as an outfit and then, within minutes, I knew how to wear things I haven’t worn in ages! And, the best part is, I already had those items in my closet!”
Kat Bern
Dream Home Creator, London, England

“Barb has a natural instinct for fashion and is very knowledgeable about style. I can’t believe that a few changes in my appearance could make such a difference. Thanks to Barb I now feel good about myself and I am more confident to conquer the world.”

- Letter Carrier - Toronto, ON

“I was able to go through my wardrobe and find clothes that I already own that I can start to wear in different ways – and now I feel more confident that I have a variety of outfits to start my new job with!”
Dina S.
Personal Trainer, Sydney, Australia​


My personal style is irrelevant. While I will be showing examples based on the aesthetic I enjoy, the theories, principles and practices can be applied to any style. There are so many options to choose from and modifications that can be made to suit you and your personal tastes.

Just because you don’t work outside the house doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look and feel fabulous and be at the top of your style game. Every woman should feel incredible and special whether she’s at home or outside the house.

I’m pretty sure you do leave your home at some point – whether it’s to run errands or go on outings with your kids (even if it’s to the park or on play dates). There’s no reason why you can’t look or feel your best in everything you do.

You don’t need to have a ton of money or buy designer clothes to look great and be stylish. There are often pieces right in your closet that if worn or combined slightly differently, could take on a whole new look.

Not only will this not make your life more difficult, getting ready in the mornings will be a breeze.

The beauty of learning what to wear, how to put outfits together and how to create a solid wardrobe that’s aligned with you, is that you become even more efficient and organized. You’ll no longer waste time trying to decide what to wear and what goes with what.

I’ve broken the program into 6 weeks because it takes time to learn, digest, implement and play around with all of the concepts and information you’ll be receiving. Also, each Module builds on the one(s) before it, so I need you to be crystal clear on each Module before moving onto the next.

If after the 6 weeks, you feel you didn’t receive the tools and knowledge you need to transform your style, send me your completed exercises and we’ll schedule a Skype or Zoom call to see if I can help. If I truly can’t help you transform your style, I will issue you a refund.

Why do I ask you to finish the program, hand in your completed exercises and chat? Because I need you to be 100% fully committed to your transformation as well. Furthermore, each Module builds upon the one(s) before it, so you won’t have all the information you need until you’ve completed them all.

Have Questions Or Need Some Help?

I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.